February 22, 2024

From BS&W: Tips for Keeping a Healthy Work-Life Balance

By: Taylor Daniels, MD, OB/GYN resident physician, Baylor Scott & White All Saints Medical Center – Fort Worth

Hi, Cowtown runners and friends! Baylor Scott & White All Saints Medical Center – Fort Worth shares the following tips for how to keep a healthy work-life balance with a busy career.

  1. Make exercise convenient

Exercise is an important way to prioritize yourself.

A convenient form of exercise is important to keep yourself active in your spare time.

Find a form of exercise that feels fun and then make it convenient for yourself. Whether that’s hopping on a stationary bike, keeping your running shoes by the door, rolling out a yoga mat in the living room or joining a friend at a group fitness class, having a form of exercise that you feel excited about outside of work will keep you consistent.

  1. Manage your time—even on your days off

Use time management on your days off so you can relax when you get home from work. A day off might start with running errands and getting things done around the house. 

Once the not-so-fun things are out of the way, you can enjoy time with friends at dinner, a movie or pickleball while still feeling organized for the next work week.

  1. Prioritize what you love

Pick two or three aspects of your life that you want to put first each week. 

If you value feeling well-rested physically and mentally and spending time with friends, and you only have one day off, plan a social outing the night before your day off and then spend the next day recuperating with your dog.

When you tend to your biggest personal priorities every week, your bucket of joy is filled. The smaller priorities can then fit in around the bigger ones.


On your journey to prioritizing a healthy work-life balance, some days will be harder than others. Remember to have grace and compassion for yourself. Listen to what you need to balance out the work-life scale in that moment.

If you feel consistently stressed about balancing your work and personal responsibilities, consider asking for help or connecting with a mental health provider. For more well-being resources or to learn about mental health services at Baylor Scott & White Health, visit here.